My Girl

My Girl

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Girl

On Nov 7, 2006 my life was forever changed for the better. I was blessed with a 7lb 0oz beautiful baby girl. No one had warned me what to expect with childbirth. The birthing classes do their best to explain labor or csections. But, I was not forewarned how my life would be forever changed that morning. The only way I can explain the birth of my baby girl is to say that when she was pulled from my womb and placed into my arms it felt as if my heart had cracked in two and a warmth poured over me. A love unlike I had ever felt before in my life came pouring out and wrapped itself around that beautiful baby I held in my arms. I was never more vulnerable or protective. My mission in life had forever been changed. It was at that moment my quest on earth to love and protect this angelic being. She was dependent on me to thrive. I was her source of food, protection, and comfort. I was the voice she had known for 38weeks. And I would do my best to meet her needs for the rest of our lives together.

Now my baby is 4.5 and no longer a baby but, a little girl. She has her own ideas. Her own personality. She no longer depends on me for all of her needs. Although, I am still pretty important in her life. I am creating this blog so I can share my journey with my beautiful daughter. This will be a way to look back and remember the good times and the less than good times. Each moment I have with her is a blessing- and hopefully by keeping this blog it will help me to remember just that.